What is Bodysex®?

Bodysex® is a transformational experience designed to help individuals develop a positive body image and overcome pleasure anxiety.

Surrounded by a circle of others, participants share their own experiences with pleasure and body image in a brave, supportive environment. Connected by shared vulnerability, the space becomes sacred and unifying as we shed layers of guilt, shame, and self-doubt. Together, we laugh, we cry, we hold space for each other, we grow. We build confidence in ourselves and each other. We walk away forever changed.

The entire workshop is done in the nude, but it is not sexual. Bodysex® was originally developed by Betty Dodson, using the consciousness-raising model of second-wave feminism, as a place where people can gather together and share their experiences in the first person.

How would your life would be different if you replaced self-judgment with genuine love and appreciation for your body?


Imagine releasing shame about self pleasure and unleashing your sexual power.

Imagine having the courage to be honest about your sexual needs, to leave an unfulfilling relationship, to fall in love, to chase your dreams.

Imagine yourself walking more confidently, knowing your own strength and taking pride in your beautiful, authentic body.

Imagine feeling like you could conquer the world.

“Somewhere in our gut, something cries out that this is the very thing we’ve been looking for and craved as a way to emancipate ourselves, on our own terms, from the shackles of the barrage of negative and harmful images and messages of the expectation of what it means to be a woman in today’s world.”

~ Bodysex® participant

I’m ready to sign up for the next
Bodysex® workshop


The Bodysex® circle is a sacred space. When you arrive at the door, I will greet you naked. You will get undressed and then join the circle to get settled in. Participants report that the most nerve-wracking minutes are just before arriving and when they first join the circle. And overwhelmingly they say that the fear, shame, and anxiety lift within minutes after people begin sharing.

Bodysex® workshops empower individuals to feel whole, loved and attractive. Body shame and regret are replaced with hope and an understanding of the power that comes from fostering community. 


This life changing and magical work is accomplished through witnessing other bodies, realizing that
we all have body image issues, and intentionally choosing to release body shame.

The workshop includes the rituals described below:


Circle Share

Authentically share how you feel about your body and your orgasm in a welcoming, non-judgmental space.

Body Celebration

Let go of genital shame and replace it with pride. Witness the beauty and uniqueness of all bodies.


Rock n' Roll Demo

Learn one of Betty’s techniques that combines penetration, external stimulation, and hip movements.

Erotic Recess

Experience self pleasure by exploring on your own without judgment or expectations.


Group Massage

Receive nurturing, non-sexual touch without sexuality or the need to perform.

Closing Circle

Reflect on the weekend and celebrate community.


I’m ready for Bodysex®

What People Are Saying….


“There is something incredibly freeing about shedding your clothes at the door and spending two days naked (both in body and soul) within a group of loving and supportive women talking about topics that don’t get the space or attention they need in our culture.”

“This was a deeply healing experience that I will carry with me for a long time to come!”

“Kristy is an open book, and no topic is off limits, and no question is silly or without validation.  She has a gift for putting you at ease and truly applies every effort to help you process your decision to attend.”

“Get up!  Get naked!  Share!  Cry!  Laugh!  Expose!  It will be the most freeing experience of your life. I guarantee you will walk away feeling like you can do anything.  When was the last time you felt THAT powerful?”

“Bodysex is a setting that makes you completely vulnerable – you’re literally naked talking about shame you have or currently feel around sex and the body – and wholly accepted by a group of women you can’t help but relate to and respect.”

“Kristy’s confidence in holding space for us, immediately put me at ease. We laughed, cried and shared our stories of body and sexual shame.”

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the next Bodysex® workshop?

The next in-person Bodysex® workshop is scheduled for October 26-27, 2024. Register today or contact me to learn more.

The next virtual Bodysex® workshop is scheduled for July 20, 2024. Register today or contact me to learn more.

Where are your Bodysex® workshops located?

In-person workshops are held in the central part of North Carolina (Chapel Hill/Durham/Raleigh). Virtual workshops are held online via Zoom.

Who can attend your Bodysex® workshops?

My workshops are open to all women (transgender and cisgender), queer, nonbinary, intersex, and two-spirit folks.

Why this topic?

It is the rarest thing to be in safety and open up to others about personal aspects of our lives. For cisgender women and gender-expansive individuals, our orgasms, or lack of them, have been given little support or understanding. Now is our opportunity to be truly seen and heard.

Why nudity?

The heart of the workshop is vulnerability. We want to become more transparent to ourselves and to each other so that we might uncover things that are keeping us from experiencing pleasure and accepting ourselves as we are. Clothes project an image of who we are and in Bodysex® we want to be as close to our authentic selves as we can be so that the healing processes can happen. This will also help to heal negative body image. Time with others in this state will help us develop a deeper level of comfort within our bodies.

Why look so intimately at ourselves and one another’s bodies?

The purpose is to familiarize ourselves with our genitals so we can better understand their function and how they look. It is uncommon for many individuals to have looked at their own genitals. And it is even more uncommon to have shown our genitals to others. Knowing sexual parts is all-important to enhance our orgasmic and pleasure potential. Seeing other genitals helps us to appreciate the samenesses and differences. Enough can’t be said about the power of others admiring this most sacred part of our body. It has the power to heal shame, celebrate beauty, and really connect us to our sexual selves as nothing else can.

Why include masturbation in the workshop?

Many of us can be stuck in our known masturbation practices and this is a way for you to rethink your practice. A demonstration is done for tips and pointers. We are here to fully learn about our sexuality within our bodies. Masturbation is the foundation of our learning. Doing it together becomes a celebration! We find in breaking this cultural taboo, it becomes natural and a fun learning experience. The best way to learn is by having fun. The experience of witnessing others’ self-generated sexual pleasure and having our’s witnessed is both powerful and vulnerable. There is no right or wrong way to do this. The point is to enjoy yourself as much as possible in the presence of others. Orgasm is not the goal. If you have an orgasm or two or three, that is great and if you don’t that is great too.

Why full body massage? What if I don’t like certain parts of my body touched?

Declaring what may be uncomfortable for you is all-important so yes, you are encouraged to speak up about the area(s) of your body that are off limits. This might change as you get into the massage. You might want those areas touched as you become more comfortable so speak up if that happens. Also, you may want more attention to some particular area or areas. Please speak your yes and no. This is for you so your full enjoyment of it is key and the goal.

What if I have my period?

No problem. Someone almost always has their period. You can use a tampon, menstrual cup, or a piece of natural sea sponge during the body celebration ritual and erotic recess.

What if I have a yeast infection?

No problem. Simply do what you normally do to treat a yeast infection (whether that is probiotics + dietary adjustments, or a Monistat egg) and then head on over.

What if I can't orgasm?

If you orgasm, great. If you don't, that's ok too. Orgasm is NOT the goal. We're here to heal body shame, overcome sexual guilt, and experience true connection. There's no agenda and no expectations.

How much does it cost?

The two-day in-person workshop costs $597 and a non-refundable deposit of $200 is required to secure your spot. If the cost is prohibitive, please contact me. I am open to making this course available to all who are ready to join us. I offer a sliding scale to make the course as accessible as possible.

What if I register but cannot attend?

If you register for a workshop but are unable to attend, your $200 deposit is non-refundable but can be applied to a future workshop registration within two years following your registered workshop. Any remaining amount paid will be refunded, less any transaction fees if cancellation is made before the start of the workshop.

Can I keep the vibrator or barbell?

If you want to keep the vibrator or barbell you used during the workshop, you can and the prices are $100 and $150 respectively. You may also purchase them online.

Can I bring my own toys?

Yes. If you would prefer to use your own toys, you can bring them with you to the workshop.

Can I bring something to eat?

Of course.  Water, fruit, and cookies (including gluten-free) will be provided. If you have any other questions, you can email me directly: pathwaystopleasure@gmail.com

What is your policy regarding Covid-19?

All participants are required to provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test on the morning of Day 1. With this policy in place, masks are not required during our time together (masks are optional). I will update if anything changes regarding the Covid-19 policy.